CBSE exam preparation tips to score 95+in exams in 2023

CBSE Exam Preparation Tips to Score 95+ in Exams in 2024

Exams are coming up and with that comes lots of tension regarding our concerns for the preparation of it. We always end up being extremely nervous and anxious. And let me be honest with you it makes the situation worse. If we get nervous and start panicking about it then it might just make everything worse. Especially for the students who need to prepare for the 10th or 12th CBSE board examination or any other CBSE exam preparation at that. They need to be very diligent with their preparations and planning. We even get pressure from the people in our surroundings, and all of this concludes us to be even more anxious. 

So enough talking about the problem, let’s talk about the solution, what can we do in such a situation? Not only regarding the board exams but any CBSE exam preparation. You need to have proper planning regarding the preparation, guidance is particularly important from someone who knows well about it. 

Let’s have a look at few points through which you can overcome your concerns regarding the CBSE Exam preparation.

Creating a Proper Study Plan. 

If you haven’t made a proper study plan yet, you need to do it right now. Because that is considered basic and yet very important to plan out how you are going to prepare for your exam. And it is very important if you’re preparing for the 10th or 12th CBSE board exam. To achieve something, you need to set a goal daily so that you can work on it every day. Without any proper planning, you might just end up being confused about what you need to study, it happens right? When exams are near, you just want to study everything at once. But if you have everything planned out, it will become easy for you. 

Know CBSE Exam Syllabus and Pattern 

First, you need to thoroughly go through the CBSE curriculum or exam syllabus. You need to keep these things in the back of your mind as to which kind of chapters and which kind of pattern you will be needed to follow for the CBSE exam preparation. By doing that you’ll get to know the kind of questions you need to focus on the most. What kind of questions are being repeated and what is the marking scheme while they check the papers? To get satisfactory results you need to do smart work along with hard work and that’s exactly what we are trying to explain at this point. 

Listing Out Important Topics 

In every subject some topics need special attention, sometimes it’s because we don’t get it well enough like the other topic, and sometimes because we get to see questions from those topics frequently in the question pattern. So, that topic should be jotted down, and you should be paying special attention to it and take out separate time for it when you plan for the studying schedule so that you do not miss those topics. In situations like this CBSE online coaching could be of significant help. 

Brush Up Your Handwriting Skills  

When you prepared hard for your examination and made sure everything goes well you don’t want anything minor to be the deal breaker. I am talking about the presentation of your answer sheet. If you keep it neat and tidy you might earn a plus point for that and vice versa. Now how you keep your answer sheet tidy, depends on your handwriting, you should be having clear and easy-to-understand handwriting, so that the examiner finds it easy to check your paper. You need to understand this yours’s will be not the only paper that he will check, so you need to try to stand out a bit, so make sure to work on your Handwriting skills before your exam. 

Compete with yourself  

In any field, you need to focus on being the better version of yourself instead of comparing yourself with others. Repeatedly you need to put yourself through tests to get better and better at whatever you are doing. So, in studies as well you need to focus on sharpening your own skills. For that what you can do is, solve the previous year’s question paper to put yourself through the test and try to get better than the last time. Compare how many questions you get right every time you take a test. That way you’ll get better and better at it. It will also make you familiar with several types of questions. 

Making Short Notes of Every Subjects  

Making notes play an important part while preparing for the board exams, especially during revision because you don’t want to read each line while revising, you will just need to get the important points. So, it is important to make notes while you are studying the chapters thoroughly for every subject. Whichever points you feel are important you need to jot them down in your own words; because in books things are not always written in simple language, so writing it in your own words might make it easy for you to read it again. 

Focus on NCERT Books

While preparing for exams everybody tends to hop into different books to get a better understanding of the topics but all it does is make you even more confused. You can use the supplementary reader to revise the topics that your learned but reading one topic in different books is not a good decision. Focus on one book and that is the NCERT textbook while you are reading something; because questions might come in a unique way in every exam but the context will always be the same, if you don’t understand the topic well you can take the help of experts or you can take online tuitions to clear your doubts. 

If you need extra support, our experienced CBSE tutors are here to help with personalized classes designed to improve your exam results. Book your free one on one demo session now and experience how tailored instruction can make a difference!

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Solving Previous Year Question Papers

The best way to revise what you read is by solving the previous year’s question papers. Along with the revision, it will give you a better understanding of the question pattern of the question paper. It is best to look into the question papers from the last 10 years to get a better idea of the questions. You will also overcome the fear of new questions. Remember “Practice makes a man perfect,” so all you need to do is practice hard. 

Take Break While Studying  

Do not try to study for straight 5 or 6 hours. It will do nothing better but will make you lose your focus every now and then, some studies suggest that one can only focus or concentrate on something for only 90 minutes, after that the person would need 15 minutes break to continue whatever they might be doing. Taking a break will make you feel refreshed and you will be able to focus better on things. 1 hour of productive studying is better than 4 hours of unproductive studying, it is nothing but just a waste of time. 

Daily Revisions 

Whatever you study daily or whatever target you have set for yourself, make sure to revise it sometimes. You cannot just study now and never look back at that topic, that is not how it works. You need to be very diligent in revising what you study because if you don’t, you might just forget everything. Revising will make you get used to the information so when you sit in the exams, you’ll not have to think about the answers and waste your time. You will have the answers on top of your mind because of the frequent revision.  

Take Power Naps to Improve Memory

Candidates who are preparing for the board exams or any other exams at that usually spend sleepless nights studying. They just remain awake to study but what they don’t know is that their mind and body need proper rest for them to work properly. Taking power naps will help in improving your memory. You need to take proper rest because your mind and body needs energy to store everything that you study. 

Avoid Distractions and Stay Focused

While studying try not to get distracted by anything near you, and try to stay focused. If you are distracted you will not be able to process properly about you are reading, you will just continue reading it without understanding anything because your focus is somewhere else. Try avoiding cell phones, televisions, or any such thing which you think can distract you. Distraction will cause you to waste your time which you can’t afford if you are preparing for board exams. 

Study in Group for Better Results

If you are studying alone, you might not get the clarity of certain things and you might have to wait for somebody to explain them to you, in this kind of situation group studies can help you. In group studies, there are different people who can help you clear your doubts and vice versa. Studying in a group can help you understand the different perspectives on one topic, in that you can have a better understanding of it. 

Find an Online Tutor to Help You Study

Finding online CBSE tuition is another option to help you in your studies. During the exam preparation days, you don’t want to waste your energy going out and taking tuition classes, you need to save up your energy for studying, and your online tutor can help you. You don’t even have to pay any hefty amount, CBSE tuition fees have become quite affordable on many different platforms. One-on-one online tutors can help you to score good marks by guiding you through the preparations. Online classes are the best if you are afraid to ask your queries when surrounded by people. 

Final Takeaway 

 These were some basic exam preparation tips that can help your score 95+ marks in your exams. Talking about the studying part you can always take online CBSE coaching for a better understanding of the technicality of studying different subjects. You just need to remember that your health is your priority, you need to keep your mental and physical health in check to be able to perform better in exams. If you are willing you can always do it, Best of Luck! 

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