Sentence Writing: A Comprehensive Writing Guide For Your Child
Sentence writing is a major part of our education. Since childhood, schools all around have been teaching kids to start off with writing words and then one-line simple sentences, after that moving on to a complete sentence. Kids are suggested to do writing practice to improve their writing for higher studies. Students need to be familiar with the correct sentence forming structure not only for the school, as they have to write answers to questions but also for whatever they do in the future Let’s take a look at the basic definition of “Sentence”.
What Is Sentence?
A sentence is a set of words that consists of a subject and a predicate. It usually starts with a capital letter and ends with a punctuation mark like a question mark or full stop. It can be anything a command, question statement, or exclamation. Sentences for kids are very simple with subject and verb.
There are three types of sentences:
- Simple Sentence
- Compound Sentence (Should have more than one independent clause)
- Complex Sentence (Should have Independent clause and dependent clause)
This basic thing is taught by the students as a kid for a better understanding of sentences. For students to write a sentence four main parts of a sentence are taught, those are:- Subject, Predicate, Direct object, and Indirect object.
Apart from the school, if you want to guide your children to be able to write super sentences then the following points might help you in doing that.
Start With Short Sentences
All the schools suggest doing that, they start teaching the kids with small and simple sentences. They start with writing some words, then simple sentences and then they suggest the students to write longer sentences. It’s always better to understand the formation of the sentence first and then write small sentences with complete thoughts. For doing that children need to learn English grammar thoroughly because writing sentences is all about writing correct grammar, otherwise, it can turn out to be an interesting sentence in the sense that it would not be grammatically correct but just a normal sentence. Suggest your children write the sentence after going through the proper grammatical way of writing sentences. Parents can also opt for language lessons to enhance their grammar skills.
Focusing on Your Child’s Vocabulary
While teaching sentence structure to your children make sure to keep their vocabulary and grammar in check. Those are the key points for a good sentence. You need to help your children to get familiar with different vocabulary as it will help them in writing sentences. And to improve grammar parents can also opt for grammar lessons. Vocabulary can be of four different types writing, reading, listening, and speaking. Basically, children need to know different vocabularies to be able to communicate. The best strategy to learn different vocabulary is to read different books or even different articles of your children’s choice, That way the learning process will be fun for them.
Encouraging Your Child to Take Notes
You can suggest your children take everywhere he/she takes classes be it in the classroom or any language lesson. Taking notes will help children to practice writing. If they start doing that in their day-to-day life then at the end of the day, they’ll have a different collection of words every day to learn. It’s important to improve daily, so taking notes will the children learn something new every day. Taking notes will also help the students practice writing different sentence structures. When children are taught something in the classroom they try to capture all of it in their minds but it might not quite as there is a high chance of missing the important points so it’s better to write it in your own words. And also sometimes classes don’t go as per plan so depending on the worksheet alone is also not a good choice. Taking notes have many perks including enhancing the student’s writing skills.
Appreciate Your Child’s Work
For children, it is very important to appreciate the effort they put in, even if at first they do not have any progress. Children might want to work hard but sometimes they might not get the results as expected, So, at times like that parents need to be the source of appreciation for their children. Parents can keep a daily check on their students’ writing and can motivate them to write better. The plus point about writing daily is that it can also improve the quality of handwriting. Motivation will make them work harder. Whenever they go through any kind of writing activity then make sure to appreciate their hard work and not the results because the results will eventually progress with time.
Ask Your Child To Email To Friends
Making your children write emails to their respective friends is a safe idea, that way they won’t feel judged and will improve their writing skills. Language learning has different fragments to it and the best way to improve it is to communicate in that language as much as possible, there are many language learners out there to participate in that. The more they communicate in that particular language, the more they will be comfortable with it and it will help them in sentence writing as well. Writing emails will help you know the formal as well as informal ways of writing. Language writing can be very easy if you practice well, it all depends on the practice, so parents need to make sure that their children are practicing writing sentences in every way possible.
Let Your Child Make Mistakes
Only when the student will make mistakes they will understand which part they are lacking. So let your children make mistakes. They need to realize them and work on them to improve their quality of writing. Even if they learn English online, tell the tutor to make them understand their mistakes and approach them to work towards it, make them feel that it’s okay to make mistakes otherwise they might just end up being afraid to try anything, and if they start doing that it won’t be healthy learning and they won’t understand their own mistakes. You along with your children need to identify their mistakes to work on them.
Knowing Their Interests
Make your children involved in the writing activities in which they are interested. So that they won’t find the learning process boring. For example, if they are interested in reading books, then provide them with books that contain high-level vocabulary, so that they can learn while enjoying. Reading in general helps in enhancing language. You can even introduce them to different articles about writing language if they are interested in reading or writing blogs, which will help them even more. Children nowadays are very much into digital platforms, so you can tell them to make use of that as well. Many children enjoy writing daily journals, which again be of great help.
Investing Your Time
This is the most important part. As a parent, you need to actively participate in their daily writing activities. If people at home can participate in their learning process it becomes much easier for them. It’ll be better if you check their daily work and give them suggestions if they are struggling with anything. There are parents who can’t give their children time because of their busy schedules and some of them even got both working parents. In that case, you can do it once a week, just to make sure they are doing good with the learning and are not facing any problems. Otherwise, parents can also opt for an online tutor and instruct the online tutor about the needs of their children and what they are currently trying to focus on.
Nothing in this world is perfect but still, every parent wants to be the perfect parent to their children. Keeping that in mind above mentioned points were some of the useful positive parental tips to improve the writing skills of children. The skill of writing correct English comes with lots of practice, students need to practice to get to that level. You need to provide them with proper materials that too of their liking because on your behalf you may be providing them with the best products or materials but they might not be the best options for your children so before doing anything you need to make sure of their learning capabilities and their likes and dislikes. So they can have a joyful learning experience.
Anyway, you along with your children needs to be patient with the process because writing skill is not something that comes overnight, you have o work on it every day little by little. To learn language and that too with the writing part takes daily effort. As already mentioned try to make it fun and natural for your children instead of making it something serious and boring. You don’t want them to lose interest in the process.